United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon Using Google+ Hangout to Meet Youngsters Around the World [Video]

World body united nations is now using Google+ hangouts to connect and gather innovative and creative ideas from people around the world.

Technology, social revolution and thanks to the most popular Google+ hangouts feature which has helped united nations secretary general Mr. Ban Ki-moon to connect with youngsters around the world with the convenience of their living rooms or offices.

United nations secretary general in a Google+ hangout

United nations secretary general in a Google+ hangout

Youngsters from United states, South America, Africa and Asia participated and discussed world issues and possible solutions to common problems around the world.

Topics discussed

  • Unemployment
  • Poverty
  • Terrorism
  • Discrimination
  • Human rights

United nations google+ hangout video

This is one of a kind experience meeting United nations leader directly and asking questions.

Thanks to Google+ hangouts which made this possible and we’re pretty sure to see more in the future.

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