Learn How to Integrate Google+ Into Your Own Mobile Apps

Mobile application developers are interested in integrating google+ and it’s unique features (for example to start hangout from a mobile app) into their own mobiles applications.

But unfortunately there is not a lot of details of how to get this to work and what are the best practices?

Google I/O 2012 has a session specific to this topic titled Integrating Google+ into mobile apps by Julia Ferraioli

Create a more engaging and personalized experience for your users by incorporating aspects of Google+ into your mobile app. Learn how your users can share pictures, links, and more into Google+ from your app, and how doing so can raise visibility and discoverability of your application.

For those visiting this years I/O 2012

it’s on June 28th between 1.30pm – 2.30 pm on Room 2

For those not visiting I/O 2012

a video recording of the session should be available on Google I/O 2012 site by end of the day.

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