How to Hide +1 Tab on Your Google+ Profile?

+1 button is everywhere right from any website, applications or even adsense ad’s. Everytime your like any content, app or ad., you click the +1 button to indicate your interest in it.

But after the introduction of Google+ all the content you liked and +1’d appear under the +1’s tab in your profile. Although you liked the content you may not want this to appear under your profile just for privacy reasons.

Luckily G+ has thought about it and provided a easy option to hide this tab from your G+ profile.

disable plusone tab on profile

How to hide +1 tab on Google+ profile?

Steps to hide +1 tab

  • Goto your G+ profile
  • Click on Edit Profile button
  • Click on the +1’s tab
  • Uncheck Show this tab on your profile checkbox
  • Click on Save button
  • Click on Done editing button
  • That’s it, you are done (+1 tab won’t appear on your profile anymore)

After making above changes you may still see the +1 tab since you are logged in. Don’t worry it’ll appear only for you (to see a record of +1’s for yourselves).

To confirm, you could either logout your G+ account or click on View as… drop down on your profile and click on Public option. Now your profile will appear exactly as it would appear for others.

Customize G+ profile according to your personal preferences, we just want to share that the option is available.

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