Learn How to Be Safe on Google+ : Safety Guides for Teens, Parents and Teachers

Over a billion people are on social networks with a significant percent of them use it everyday to connect with friends, family, colleagues and even people we don’t know in real world. That’s the true power and opportunities social networks offer today.

anti bully and safety resources for gplus

Google+ safety center and guide for teens, parents and teachers

Google+ alone has over 250 million+ users and over 125 million+ users are active and use it everyday. Teens are among one of the most active users of any social network and contribute around 30% – 40% of all users.

With all kind of greatness that comes with socializing (on the internet) there are always bad elements preying on these young users (for example sex offenders, etc). Besides bad elements we often hear about cyber bullying, drugs, self harm or other things that could cause harm.

While facebook learned this the hard way, Google+ being relatively new took teen safety as one of their top most priorities. Signup for teenagers was only opened beginning of this year.

Google+ now provides guides and resources so that teens, parents and teachers are well prepared when situations arise. They have setup a safety center page specially for this purpose. Here you’ll find guides, information about anti-bullying and what to do about it and other resources that would help ensure safety and security of teen users.

About the safety center (according to the site)

Social experiences require multiple players, and safety does too. We all need to do our part. These resources are here for teens, parents and teachers to learn more about how to use Google+ in a fun, smart and safe way. We’re glad you’re here!

Safety guides

Checkout and share with your friends, family and everyone you care about.

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