How to Get Email Notifications Whenever ‘Your Circles’ Write or Share a New Post on Google+?

One of the problem you face when following large number of people (add to circles) on Google+ is, new posts start to appear as they are posted and fills up your mainstream. If you are not in front of your desktop or mobile and not watching the stream there is a greater chance of missing some important posts shared by your favorite circles.

People like you requested for a feature where you could subscribe to receive notifications and posts by email from a circle so that you don’t miss any posts (from that particular circle).

This subscribe to email a post feature is now launched and available for use. All you have to do is select a circle and set the subscription options. We’ll explain how to set this up below.

Say for example you have a circle called Google add some important people from whom you don’t want to miss any post.

How to signup to receive Google+ posts by email?

Select a circle from the top by clicking on the circle name in the top or click on more to find other circles. In this example we are configuring  to receive all posts via email from the Google circle.

Select a circle from top to receive email notifications about each post

Adjust the slider on the right to the last position (just above the bell icon)

Adjust subscribe via email icon from the slider

Now when anyone in that circle share a post or content you’ll receive a email of that post that looks similar to below

Google+ post received via email after subscribe when notifications is set

Never miss another post. But be warned that if you subscribe to notifications for all new posts and when you have lot of people who write or share a lot of post or content your email inbox might quickly get filled up with ton of posts.

Each post from subscribed circle will be delivered to your email inbox. So make sure you only add users that you care the most, Enjoy!

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