Google Drive Goes Social With Google+, Now Share Presentation, Pdf’s or Videos Directly From Drive!

Few weeks ago, we wrote about sharing a photo in Google+ from a photo stored on your Google drive. Now drive has added more native support so that sharing to Google+ is even easier.

With this change, you could pretty much share anything that’s stored on your Google drive. Photos, Videos, Presentation, Spreadsheet, PDF’s, etc., you name it.

How to share from Google Drive?

  • Goto
  • Select a folder or any item in the list by clicking on the checkbox next to each item
  • A + Share button will appear on the top (refer 1st image below)
  • Click on it a Google+ share dialog will appear (refer 2nd image below)
  • Type in some circle names or public if you want to share public
  • Click Share, that’s it. You have shared file from your Google drive to Google+.

Share button when an item selected in drive

+ Share button in Google Drive


Google+ share dialog window in drive

Google+ share dialog inside Drive

You could also share a document, spreadsheet or presentation while it is open. All you have to do is, click on the blue Share button on the top right.

One important thing to notice while sharing is, you need to change visibility of document from private to public (otherwise Google+ and other social network share icons are disabled).

Share individual documents to Google+ or other social networks

Google+ and other social network icons are disabled since the document you are about to share is private by default. To share a document you have to make it public by clicking on Change… in the above dialog (refer image above) and change from Private to Public on the web as it appears in the next image.

Change a document from private to public in google drive

Quick share of media from Google+ share box

Photo’s and Video’s on your Google drive are easily shared right within the Google+ share box as highlighted in the following images.

Sharing a Photo

Share photo from google drive right from share box

Sharing a Video

Share video from google drive right from share box

Storing files on Google drive helps us to keep up a safe and secure copy on the cloud and readily available wherever we need it.

Introduction of Google+ sharing on the drive, allows us to collaborate any type of item (documents, spreadsheets, pdf, presentation, etc.,) with our friends, family or any google+ circle.

Way to go in our opinion, Go cloud!

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