Chris Hadfield Testing Google+ From Earth Orbit Aboard ISS!
Col. +Chris Hadfield a space astronaut who works for Canadian space agency testing and trying out Google+ right from the Earth Orbit (aboard the ISS [International Space Station]).
Here is what he says according to his Google+ post
Hi – I’m testing Google+ from Earth orbit, onboard the International Space Station. If I can make it work from here, I hope to post more in the future.
Here is another post with message from Chris and posted by his son Evan
Okay, that’s all I’m going to be able to get done here tonight. Thanks again for all the help. I’ll pick up again in the morning and see what more I can do to figure out this crazy contraption known as +Google+.
This is a great example of how Google+ is gaining wide acceptance from people of all walks of life. Also checkout Happy New Year 2013 message from International Space Station crew.
Expect more posts from +Chris Hadfield in the future. The interesting part is learn more about earth orbit / space directly from the man who is working there. An opportunity that never existed before. All you have to do is post your questions /comments on his posts and get answered. Enjoy!
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