Wish Google+ on Its Second Birthday!

This day 2 years ago i.e May 30th 2011 Google+ was released in private beta and here is the first post from +Vic Gundotra introducing the Google’s social platform.

The first message (from Vic Gundotra) says

And so it begins. Introducing the Google+ project.

Wish us luck. We’re going to need it.

Google+ 2nd anniversary and birthday

First and Google+ introduction post from Vic Gundotra. Wish Google+ on it’s second birthday! (Images: from Google+)

Today Vic Gundotra remembered by resharing Google+ post

It does bring back memories. Thank you all for your continued support.

And yes users have loved Google+. With just 2 years, Google+ is already the second largest social network in the world.

We take this opportunity to wish Google+ a happy birthday. Congrats to Google+ team for giving us this wonderful platform, a rich feature set and most of all listening to user feedback & continuously improving the platform.

Please share your thoughts about how Google+ has transformed your life through the comments below, Enjoy!

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