Second Birthday Thank You Note Signed and Then Tagged Photo Released by Google+ Team

This day 2 years ago Google+ project was started and to commemorate that Google+ team released a thank you note and a photo with many of the original team members signed  and tagged.

Today Google+ celebrated its official second birthday and here is the official Thank You note from +Vic Gundotra of Google

Two years ago we started the Google+ project. We’re still young, with lots of growing left to do, but today we wanted to stop (for just a second) and say thanks. It’s your support, your feedback, and your enthusiasm that make Google+ so awesome. So let’s keep building something to love. Together.

google+ second birthday thank you picture

Google+ official second birthday Thank you note and photo Signed and Tagged (Source: Google+)

The original photo is available here and you can hover over each signature to know more about each team member on the right.

If you see Google+ notifications (Mr. Jingles) with a birthday hat, don’t forget to click – It’ll dance for you.


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