Al Jazeera America’s Open Editorial Hangout on Air!
Do you have news that you want America and the World want to be heard? Al Jazeera America is providing you an opportunity this friday.
Al Jazeera America’s Open Editorial Hangout on Air
Then here is your chance. Al Jazeera America is hosting a Hangouts on Air (HOA) on Friday June 28th NOON EST.
All you have to do is RSVP via this event and submit your entry in the event page. If you are chosen, you will be asked to join in the Hangout with Lisa Fletcher, host of “The Stream”.
28th June 2013 at Noon EST (9.00 AM PST)
Hangouts on Air (HOA) via Al Jazeera America’s event page
More details about the hangout (according to Al Jazeera)
Your stories, your voice.Al Jazeera America wants to know which stories you think the national media has missed and need to be covered. Our #OpenEditorial meeting is your chance to connect with us directly and pitch a story idea for coverage.If your submission is chosen, you will be asked to join us in a live Google+ Hangout, this Friday, June 28, at 12pm ET / 9am PT with Lisa Fletcher, host of “The Stream.”Producers and hosts will be tweeting on #OpenEditorial all week discussing your ideas. So RSVP to the event, send us your ideas and join the conversation!
Enjoy, participate and share your stories.
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