Second Birthday Thank You Note Signed and Then Tagged Photo Released by Google+ Team
This day 2 years ago Google+ project was started and to commemorate that Google+ team released a thank you note and a photo with many of the original team members signed and tagged.
Today Google+ celebrated its official second birthday and here is the official Thank You note from +Vic Gundotra of Google
Two years ago we started the Google+ project. We’re still young, with lots of growing left to do, but today we wanted to stop (for just a second) and say thanks. It’s your support, your feedback, and your enthusiasm that make Google+ so awesome. So let’s keep building something to love. Together.
The original photo is available here and you can hover over each signature to know more about each team member on the right.
If you see Google+ notifications (Mr. Jingles) with a birthday hat, don’t forget to click – It’ll dance for you.
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