Google Buys Online Analytics Firm Adometry

Google today acquired Online Analytics Firm Adometry that provides tools to measure online marketing efforts across various channels.

Here is the announcement according to Google Analytics post on Google+

Google Buys Adometry


Adometry is joining Google, where they will build on the momentum of our existing measurement and analytics offerings, which include Google Analytics Premium as well as other products. Available globally, Google Analytics Premium and its hundreds of customers, will now have an additional set of tools to accomplish their business and marketing goals.

Attribution solutions, like Adometry’s, help businesses better understand the influence that different marketing tools — digital, offline, email, and more — have along their customers’ paths to purchase ( This heightened understanding, in turn, enables businesses to measure marketing impact, allocate their resources more wisely, and provide people with ads and messages that they’re likely to care about.

In the near term, it’s business-as-usual for Adometry — and nothing’s changing for their customers. But over time, we’re excited to bring our teams together and offer a great attribution service to Google and Adometry customers alike.

You can also read more about this acquisition on Adometry’s blog here.

This acquisition to benefit Google Analytics customers with powerful new tools to measure their online marketing efforts.

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