Google Chrome End-to-End Extension to Provide Secured Transfer of Your Messages
Google is working on a new chrome browser extension called End-to-End that’ll secure your messages without worrying about any technical details.
The idea is anyone who knows how to use a browser will be able to install this chrome extension and on their way to safely encrypt and decrypt all their messages. This chrome extension is still in development and not available yet on Chrome Web Store.
Google has just released the source code (on Google code) for this End-to-End extension in-order for the development community to get hands on it, discover flaws and identify technical issues. Once confident and it is secure enough, the End-to-End team will release this extension on Web Store.
Chrome team wants to make this process even interesting by making this End-to-End extension eligible for Vulnerability Reward Program (Google’s reward for identifying critical bugs). So if you identify bugs, exploits or critical flaws you’re eligible for cash reward in the range of $100 to $20,000.
Stay tuned for the announcement of End-to-End chrome extensions availability on the Chrome Web Store.
Meanwhile you may checkout the code from Google code, identify & report bugs and help releasing this extension as soon as possible.
What do you think about End-to-End chrome extension? Will you use it? Share your thoughts below.
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