7th Annual Doodle 4 Google 2014 Winner Announced [Video]

Much awaited results for winner of the 7th Annual Google for Doodle 2014 competition was announced by Google today.

Google 4 Doodle 2014 Winning Doodle

Overall around 100,000 doodle submissions were received by Google. Later 250 state finalists were shortlisted followed by selection of 50 state winners and five national age group winners.

Winner: Audrey Zhang, a 11-year-old from New York won the prestigious 2014 U.S. Doodle 4 Google. Her Doodle (image below) with animation appeared on Google home page today and viewed by millions.

Google 4 Doodle 2014 Winning Doodle [images: Google]

You may still checkout the animated doodle on this doodle archive page.

Winner Audrey receives $30,000 as her college scholarship, $50,000 Google for Education technology grant for her school and $20,000 to charity water (charity that brings clean water to developing nations, to provide clean water to schools in Bangladesh) in her name.

7th Annual Doodle Contest Video

Congrats Audrey Zhang, Great Work!

What do you think of this doodle? Share your thoughts through comments below.

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