Wish You a Happy 3rd Birthday Google+ [Infographic]

Its been 3 years since Google+ was released to the public in June 2011 and today celebrating its 3rd birthday. Happy 3rd birthday Google+.

Google+ has seen it all in the last 3 years. From nowhere to Ghost Town to now one the second largest and most popular social network of all times.

Since +Vic Gundotra left Google, there has been a lot of rumors that Google+ is over, Google failed again in social network and blah blah. None of them are true, all are just trying to blow the situation out of proportion.

The proof is all new features, enhancements and even the design concept (announced during Google I/O 2014) now incorporated across all Google’s products and even Android.

For even more assurance, Larry Page CEO & Co-founder of Google has confirmed in this interview with New York Times during Google I/O 2014 (yesterday).

Here is what Larry said

Question: What’s going on with Google Plus?

Mr. Page: I think there’s a lot of things going on with Google Plus. I’m a very excited user of it. You saw some demos showing how it works with Chromecast — that’s one of the things I’ve been excited about. The service has been growing tremendously. People are always like, “Oh, what’s going on?” But for us, we’re superexcited about it because it’s a big service, growing continuously, since we launched it, at a high rate, and we’re making it better and better every day.

Google+ History [infographic]

The following infographic gives a good glimpse of some of the important events happened over the last 3 years of Google+ growth.

Happy 3rd Birthday Google Plus [images: DPFOC]

Happy 3rd Birthday Google Plus [images: DPFOC]

Thanks to Eddie O’ Driscoll,  Managing Director of DPFOC for sending and requesting us to share the above infographic with our readers.

Share your thoughts about your experience with Google+ over the last 3 years and also the infographic through comments below.

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