Google Cloud Console Is Experiencing Outage

If you are using Google Cloud Platform and want to manage your servers you’re out of luck at the moment.

According to Google status page, Cloud Console is experiencing an unexpected incident and is not available for use. Status page shows that the incident began at 06/09/2016 @ 21:09 PST hours and is under investigation for the root cause. An update or more information to expected by 21:40 PST.

Google Cloud Console Outage June2016

Google Cloud Console Outage June 2016

Here is a description of the incident

We are investigating an issue with Developers Console. We will provide more information by 21:40 US/Pacific.

Are you facing the same problem? Share your thoughts below.

UPDATE #1: Luckily Cloud Console Android App is working. So, if you’re in a hurry to restart, stop or manage servers on Google Cloud Platform you could do that from the App.

UPDATE #2: gcloud command line tool is working.

UPDATE #3: Cloud Console UI is now working in the US although the Cloud Status page still shows there is issue (Current data indicates that all users are affected by this issue) and investigating.

UPDATE #4: Google Cloud Status widget inside the Cloud Console is now showing “All services normal”.

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