Google Launches PhotoScan Android App : Scanner From the Future

Using image scanners are out of fashion and its even harder to find one these days. Moreover it is bulky, expensive and not portable.

Thanks to Google PhotoScan, a new Android app from Google that helps to replace the old fashioned flatbed scanner with your powerful smartphone camera.

Just scan portions or sections of any image, even your pictures from the past and scanner is smart enough to assemble them together to create your past memories into digital memories. Now you have a powerful scanner in your hand and wherever you’re going.

Google PhotoScan Android App Video

Some of the features (as highlighted on Playstore description)

Picture perfect and glare free

Don’t just take a picture of a picture. Create enhanced digital scans, wherever your photos are.

– Get glare-free scans with an easy step-by-step capture flow

– Automatic cropping based on edge detection

– Straight, rectangular scans with perspective correction

– Smart rotation, so your photos stay right-side-up no matter which way you scan them

Scan in seconds

Capture your favorite printed photos quickly and easily, so you can spend less time editing and more time looking at your bad childhood haircut.

Safe and searchable with Google Photos

Back up your scans with the free Google Photos app to keep them safe, searchable, and organized. Bring your scans to life with movies, filters, and advanced editing controls. And share them with anyone, just by sending a link.
Install PhotoScan Android app for free from Google Playstore

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