How to Configure Who Is Allowed to Send Notifications in Google+?

Are you annoyed by too many notifications? Looking for a better way to configure and control what notifications you want to see?

Before looking at how to configure them, let’s see what are google+ notifications?

Notifications are events that happen within Google+. When some one added you to their circles, mentioned you in a post, shared a post with you, +1’d your post or tagged you in a picture all these are considered events and you get a notification in your Google+ bar, email, SMS and in your Google+ notifications page. But if you are a busy users on Google+, then notifications will be way out of control and annoying.

Don’t worry, Google+ notifications got it covered. This new feature added to Google+ settings allows you to have better control of notifications.

Here are the steps of how to configure notifications

  • Goto your google+ profile
  • Click on the gear icon and choose google+ settings
  • Look for the section, Who can interact with you and your posts (this is the first one as of now)

    Google+ notification settings

    Google+ notification settings

  • Set the value for Who can send you notifications?
  • Choose circle, extended circle, yourself or configure custom with individually adding circles or people
  • Choose circle, extended circle or anyone for who can start a Messenger (previously known as Google+ Huddle) conversation

Circles or Individuals allowed in ‘Who can send you notifications‘ will be able to send notifications for the following events

  • A post is shared specifically with you or the user who shared choose to notify recipients
  • You’re mentioned in a post or comment
  • Someone invites you to a social game or shares something with you in a game
  • You’re being invited to a google+ hangout
This will help you minimize the number of notifications as you get busy within Google+.

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