Occupy Portland and Many Other Occupy Wall Street Pages on Google+!

Occupy wall street is a series of ongoing demonstrations that protest towards corporate greed, corruption, social and economic inequality, lobbying and jobless rate in the United States.

It was started by a canadian activist group called Adbusters at New York city’s Zuccotti park under the Wall Street financial district. Since then it spread all across the United States (and around the world) and still continues to date.

With the power of social networks including Google+, the moment is gaining steam and support day by day. After the launch of Google+ pages, quite a lot of Occupy Wall Street groups right from New York City to Portland to other cities in the US have created Google+ pages to stay in touch with their supporters.

Occupy Wall Street Google+ page

Occupy Wall Street Google+ page

Here is a list of some of the occupy wall street pages on Google+

This is just a short list of Occupy wall street google+ pages that were picked and listed in random order (No preference was given to one over the other). We have limited to just 10 pages to keep this post shorter. If you are looking for more or a for a occupy google+ page in your city, search for #occupy hashtag or +Occupy followed by your city name in Google+ search or through Google+ direct connect. We are pretty sure you’ll find a occupy page that interests you. Please leave your comments below.

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