How to View Your Google+ Profile or Page as Public, Friends or Others?

You signed up for Google+ and the first thing you want to do is create your Google+ profile. It serves as the front door and entry point for your Google+ account.

Whenever you write a post, share a link, photo or a video with others most of the time people will stop by and checkout your profile. Your profile has to be filled completely along with relevant data to make it interesting.

But often we make the mistake of forgetting the fact that What we see on the profile is not what others see on the profile. For eg. if you read this hiding photo or video tab in Google+ post you’ll understand what i am talking about.

Based on your privacy settings certain parts of your Google+ profile will appear differently to public, your circles and others.

So, it’s always good to know how others are viewing our profile. Interestingly Google+ has built in tools to make our life easier.

Google+ view profile as others

Google+ view profile as others

If you go to your profile’s about page (by clicking on your name on the top left or your Google+ stream), you’ll find a text box on right just below the Edit Profile button (as mentioned in above image).

Enter different values as outlined below (to find end user experience)

For Individual profiles

To view as Public

Select Anyone on the web in the suggestion list that appears or Type Anyone on the web in the textbox

To view as a Friend

Type in your friends name or any Google+ username

To view as a Google+ page

Type +PageName (type + followed by another page name to view as another page) and select from the suggestions

For Google+ pages

To view as Public

Select Anyone on the web in the suggestion list that appears or Type Anyone on the web in the textbox

To view as another Page

Type +PageName (type + followed by another page name to view as another page) and select from the suggestions

Viewing your personal profile or google+ page profile as others helps us to understand and constantly tweak profile and privacy settings in order to achieve better results.

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