Video Blogging : Record Video on the Fly and Share With Your Circles and Friends on Google+!

In traditional blogging (for e.g. this post) we share news, thoughts or tips about a topic (google+ in this case) where the main content is in the form of text (may or may not include images, videos, etc).

Video blogging : Record and share video on Google+

Video blogging a.k.a vLogging is another form of blogging with primarily video as the main content (the reverse of traditional blogging). The primary medium is video (and may optionally include text or images).

Google+ today introduced an awesome feature on the network that is like video blogging. If you have a webcam in your computer, with a click of a button you can instantly record a video right from your browser and share with your friends or circles.

Video blogging : Record and share video with your circles

Video blogging : Record and share video with your circles

No software or tools to install, no uploading or downloading of video. All taken care seamlessly by Google+.

Let’s see how to do this

  • Click on the Video share icon just next to photo icon (refer image above)
  • Click on the Record video option in the drop down
  • A dialog will appear, click on the record button (You may see a one time prompt saying Allow to access your camera and microphone. Select Allow for recording to work and check the Remember option so that it doesn’t prompt again)
  • Once complete just click on Add Video (or cancel if you decide not to share the video)
  • Add some circles or people
  • Click Share, that’s it. You’re video is instantly shared, cool huh?

Some points to note

  • If this record video option is not showing up in your account, please give some time
  • You can record up to 15 minutes of video
  • Videos are only shared within Google+
  • To share it outside Google+, add Public circle while sharing the post, click on the drop down and get the link to the post (and share the link)
  • The video cannot be downloaded (no option to download)
  • You may delete the video. Just click on the video, choose options and click on delete video
No more excuse that you don’t have time to write and share content. Just click on the record video option, record a short video and share “What’s on your mind?” instantly on Google+.

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