Google+ Has 90 Million+ Users According to Official Statistics as of Jan 2012 From Google!

Google today put an end to the speculation of How many users does Google+ actually have? As we stated in our earlier post of 150 million active users, google has released official statistics as part of 4th quarter earning conference call.

Google+ official users statistics as of Jan 2012

Google+ official user statistics as of Jan 2012

Google+ official user statistics as of Jan 2012

According to the official statistics released today, Google+ has 90 million+ users as of January 2012 globally making it the 4th largest social network while still maintaining the fastest growing network of all times.

Here is Google’s official statement

Google had a really strong quarter ending a great year. Full year revenue was up 29%, and our quarterly revenue blew past the $10 billion mark for the first time,” said Larry Page, CEO of Google. “I am super excited about the growth of Android, Gmail, and Google+, which now has 90 million users globally – well over double what I announced just three months ago. By building a meaningful relationship with our users through Google+ we will create amazing experiences across our services. I’m very excited about what we can do in 2012 – there are tremendous opportunities to help users and grow our business.

Looking over the numbers, Google+ posts steady growth month over month since the launch in July 2011. In fact it has more than doubled since the last official announcement of 40 million users 3 months ago.

Congrats Google+ team!!


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