The White House Joins Google+ : Get News, Behind the Scenes and Engage With Administration!

President Barack Obama joined Google+ a while ago. Now the white house has a Google+ page with tag line : Get news, go behind-the-scenes and engage with the obama admistration.

The White House on Google+

White House page on Google+

White House page on Google+

Checkout White House page on Google+.

Here is the introduction in their own words,

Welcome to the White House on Google+. On this page you’ll find news from the White House blog, behind-the-scenes photos and videos, and opportunities to engage with Obama administration officials and policy experts on topics ranging from the economy to technology. We hope you’ll join the conversation on the issues that matter the most to you right here on Google+.

This is the official White House page on Google+. Comments posted on and messages received through White House pages are subject to the Presidential Records Act and may be archived. Learn more at

The White House page already has over 10419 +1’s and 9519 followers.

Want to talk or interact with the White House? Here is your chance. As part of the first post, here is what the officials have to say

One feature we’re really excited about are Hangouts. On our Google+ page, we’ll host regular White House Hangouts with administration officials on topics ranging from the economy to technology. Some Google+ users will be invited to join the Hangout with the White House and have a conversation with policy experts.

So, add White House page to your follow list and increase your chance to get a hangout invite.

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