All New Google+ Feedback (Aka Google Feedback) With Wizard and Screenshot Preview Released!

Since the release of Google+ social network, you might have noticed or even used the Send feedback button on the bottom left of the Google+ main stream page. Now that feedback tool has gone through a major upgrade and has been improved with better features.

Google+ feedback update

Google+ has improved and grown by listening to users feedback right from the beginning. Send feedback tool has played a key role in gathering new ideas, thoughts, feedbacks and issues straight from G+ users.

Prior to this change, feedback tool was a very simple basic form. Now it has been improved to a wizard interface with each step being detailed with what’s being collected, a screenshot and a quick preview of what’s being sent before providing the option to submit it to Google. A great improvement in collecting feedback.

New Google+ feedback dialog

Google+ feedback dialog

Google+ feedback dialog

Highlight / Blackout option

Google+ feedback highlight blackout

Google+ feedback highlight blackout

Highlighting a section

G+ feedback highlighting

G+ feedback highlighting

 Feedback preview with screenshot

Google+ feedback screenshot preview

Google+ feedback screenshot preview

Having a issue with Google+ or have an idea that could improve Google+? Just click on the Send feedback button and share with the Google+ team.

1 comment

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  1. Anonymous

    This is a joke, right? “Major upgrade”? I’ve just tested it, they’ve improved nothing. They’ve just redesigned the form a little bit. For example: you still cannot choose NOT to take a screenshot. You cannot choose what to include – maybe I don’t want to send my browser info? Maybe it’s not necessary? Maybe it’s not a bug report, but a suggestion/idea/question? They have been “listening to users’ feedback, (…) gathering new ideas, thoughts” – yeah, right. People who actually submit feedback are rather more experienced in computer usability than ordinary users, so I don’t think that all they needed was a “Feedback Wizard”.

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