How to Request for Google+ Page Verification (Verified Profile Seal)?

Verified pages or profiles (verified seal on profiles) are important part of google+ that helps identify authenticity of any google+ page or profile.

With the recent introduction of Google+ Vanity URL or Custom URL which at the moment only available to some verified pages or profile, makes us wonder how to request for a page verification?

The good news is they have published a web based process for page verification. A simple request form (refer image) for pages that represent a commercial entity, organization, brand or product.

The bad news is, there is no way to submit verification request for individual or personal profiles. As far as we know it’s a manual process by Google+ team to contact popular profile owners based on their active role in G+ and followers count.

Google+ page verification request form

verified profile google+ page request form

Request for google+ page profile verification form

So, if you are a business, organization, brand or product submit your details via this customer request form and they’ll back in touch with you.

Make sure you’ve done these steps before applying for verification

  • Your page must be about your business or organization
  • The page must be authorized by your commercial entity, brand, product or organization
  • Your G+ page must contain a link pointing to your website
    • either through Website section in the profile
    • or through the Links section in the profile
  • Your website should have the Google+ badge and must be be connected to your G+ page
  • Your G+ page must be added and followed by at-least some significant number of users (The number is not defined but a few hundred’s should be good enough)

Please share your experience after applying for page verification.


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  1. Gary Smith

    I requested to be verified through my Google+ pages where it said Verify Your Business, our company has 12 locations that I tried to verify. Google said that I needed to have a postcard sent with a pin code to verify and now my locations are getting their pins but the option for me to enter the pin code has disappeared. What am I supposed to do now???

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