Now Share and Install Android Apps Right Within Google+!

Android apps and Google play store goes social with tighter integration with Google+. Yes you read it right, now you can share and install android apps right from Google+.

Now onwards if you share any android application link from play store with or without a little comment in your G+ share box, it’ll be automatically converted into an installable link.  When your friends or circles view the shared post they’ll see an INSTALL button (refer image) and a click will install the android app on their favorite devices.

Here we grabbed the Angry Birds Star Wars game link from play store and added the link to share box, it instantly becomes an installable app.

android app link in share box

Sharing an android app link on Google+

Now this is what your circles see after sharing…

install android app from google+ stream

A shared android app link appears with Install button in Google+ stream

Clicking on Install button launches play store checkout dialog and prompts for your favorite devices to install

select android device and install app

Google play store checkout dialog with option to select your android device


So next time you come across an interesting android app just grab the link and share it with your circles. They’ll enjoy your favorite android app with the click of a button. Please share your thoughts in the comments section.

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