Lock Post, Disable Comments and Notify by Email While Sharing a New Post : New Google+ Share Box Changes

Locking a google+ post or disabling comments on a post existed for a while but they were only available after publishing a post.

Now these options are available right inside share box that allows to lock or disable comments while writing a new post.

On top of that now you can to also send email to ‘Your circles‘ when you write a new post.

List of new changes (refer screenshots below of how to use them)

  • Locking a post (Your post receivers can’t re-share it or mention people you haven’t shared it with)
  • Disable comments (Your post receivers can’t leave comments but they’ll be able to +1 or re-share it)
  • Send emails to your circles

New share box options

New dropdown options on google+ share box

Icons indicating a locked post and disabled comments

Icon showing disabled comment or locked post

How to unlock this post or enable comments?

Unlock post and enable comments options

Send email to Your circles check box

Notify your circles by email

Simple examples of where this features might be useful…

Why do I have to lock a post?

Sometimes you write a post or share personal / family photo with circles (selected circles like family or friends). In this case you don’t want your receivers to re-share it (to prevent from spreading out).

Why do I need to disable comments?

Using google+ to run a poll or survey with your circles. Sometimes you want your receivers to just +1 or re-share it instead of starting a discussion.

Why do I need to send by email?

You write a must read post or content that you want your circles to read. Normally it appears in their stream and if they follow a lot of people there is a greater chance of not noticing it. Using this option you get a chance to deliver straight to their email inbox so they don’t miss it (Carefully and sparingly use this option to prevent from blocked as spam).

Enjoy the new features!

1 comment

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  1. Ronnie Bincer

    There is a Good Chance that you will not be able to use the checkbox to ‘also send email to Your Circles’ as this Notifies and Emails EVERYONE in the ‘Your Circles’ circle… Unless you have say less than 100 folks or so circled, you will most likely get an error msg/warning saying “You can’t email that many”.

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