State of the Union Fireside Google+ Hangout With President Obama on Thursday!

President Obama is giving his IInd term’s first state of the union tomorrow i.e 12th February 2013.

Two days later 14th February 2013 at 1:50 PM PST / 4:50 PM EST, White House is inviting everyone for this Google+ event titled “State of the Union: Fireside Hangout with President Obama“.

president obama google+ hangout

President Obama fireside google+ hangout

During the Google+ hangout, the President will answer questions from Americans across the country about the issues and policies laid out in the speech.President will take questions from the hangout participants and answer them.

They are also taking some questions in advance. So head on to White House YouTube channel and submit your questions or even video questions. Top rated questions will be picked to get it answered.

So stay tuned for the live State of the Union tomorrow and prepare your questions and get yourself answered on thursday, Enjoy!

Fireside hangout on Google+ video

Update: Added fireside hangout video.

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