Google Play Newsstand: One App to Read Newspapers, Magazines, Blogs & News Sites

Google Play has released Newsstand, a New Mobile App that integrates all your news consumption from newspapers, magazines, blogs and news sites in a single app.

This is great since prior to this integration you have to install two separate apps to achieve the same functionality: Play Magazine app  to subscribe and read newspapers / magazines & Google Currents to consume content from blogs and news sites.

This app already includes links to majority of newspapers, magazines, blogs and news sites by nicely categorizing them into their respective fields. There is also a nice featured section with sites featured by Google.

Another benefit, If you are a previous Google Currents app user and you login into Play Newsstand with the same Google Account, your Google Currents subscription to blogs and sites are automatically imported into Newsstand. Nice huh!

Google Play Newsstand Mobile App [Images: PlayStore]


This app also has a nice Read it Later feature called Bookmarks. While reading any article look for the ribbon icon on the top right, just tap it to bookmark that article. All your read it later bookmarks will appear under the bookmark menu.

Google Play Newsstand Intro Video

If you already had the previous Google Play Magazines App in your phone, you don’t have to do anything. Google Play will automatically update to the latest Newsstand app in the US, Canada, UK and Australia.

Otherwise you can always install or update the app from Google Playstore here.

How to add on Newsstand?

Interested in following through Play Newsstand? Please follow this simple step by step instructions to add or any site to read using Newsstand app.

How to add to My News in Google Play Newsstand? [images:]


  1. Install Newsstand app from Play Store
  2. Tap the list icon on the top left
  3. Tap My News in the menu that appears
  4. Scroll all the bottom and look for + ADD MORE
  5. Tap + ADD MORE
  6. Tap the search icon (lens) in the top and type in the search box
  7. In the following screen, Tap + blue icon (refer image above)
  8. You’re done. Our site will be available under My News

Current version of Google Play Newsstand is 3.0.1 with build 133431644.

Install or Update from Play Store and Enjoy reading Newspapers, Magazines, News and Blogs through this Newsstand app.

Try it out and share your thoughts through comments below.

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