Upcoming Android 7.0 N Gets Official Name ‘Android Nougat’

During I/O 2016, Google unveiled release of the next version of Android 7.0 code named ‘Android N’.

Instead of naming themselves, this time they reached out to Android fans to suggest names (via #NameAndroidN) for Android 7.0 version. Today they announced the official selection of the name and it is called ‘Android Nougat’ (Android N=Nougat).

Android Nougat 7.0 N Name Release Video

This video records the unwrapping of the Android statue during the Nougat announcement.

Some of the suggested names (according to the video)

  • Nectar
  • Napolean
  • Nussecken
  • Neyyappam
  • Nectarine
  • Nastar
  • Namik
  • Newyork cheesecake
  • Noodles
  • NiceCream
  • Narshmallow
  • etc..

So, When is Android Nougat (7.0 N) officially releasing to the public? Well there is no official date yet. However Android N Developer Preview runs until July 2016 (i.e Final Preview 5 should be available by July) and the official release of Android N to be expected in Q3 of 2016 (Probably guessing around August or September 2016).

What do you think about the new name? Do you like it? Share your thoughts below.

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