Huawei Mate 20 EMUI 10 With Android 10 Released in USA

Are you Huawei Mate 20 phone user and wondering when you’ll receive EMUI 10 powered by the latest version of Android 10?

Here is the good news, the wait is over and the update is rolling out today.

EMUI 10 Mate 20 Update

Huawei Mate 20 EMUI Update

New EMUI version

Huawei Mate 20 EMUI 10 Changelog

The total update file size for Mate 20 is 4.5gb which includes 2 update packages, package 1 and package 2 with their respective changelogs.

Not seeing the update prompt yet? Don’t worry, just Goto Settings and hit Check for Updates a few times and it’ll show the prompt. That how it even showed for us.

EMUI 10 includes the latest Android version 10, it is very smooth, great UI enhancements and it even comes with its own EMUI 10 theme.

Enjoy and share your thoughts in the comments below.


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    • Vlogg Team

      Do you mean custom rom? Huawei won’t update custom rom, you may want to go back to offical EMUI, its currently on version 12.0.0 and works great. Hope that helps.

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