Search for Posts Sparks People and Activities on Google+ Is Released (Previously You Can Only Search for People)

We have earlier wrote an article about Google+ was missing one of the key feature i.e search – searching for posts and other activities within the google+ social network.

We also covered  How to search google plus posts or google plus profiles? through adding some settings to the google chrome web browser.

It was not cool that search was missing – that too in a Google product. We have also outlined the reasons behind why search was very much required.

There is great news for all those who were waiting for this – Google+ team has introduced search natively within the Google+ interface (refer image)

Search for posts, sparks, people and other information on Google+

Search for posts, sparks, people and other information on Google+

Now you can search for a keyword and it’ll find content across google+ activities and provide you the results grouped by Everything (all results), People, Google+ posts and Sparks.

The best part of the search feature is, you can even save the search(Click on the Save this search button). The saved search keyword will immediately appear as a link just about the sparks links (on the left side of your google+ stream).

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