Steve Jobs Google+ Stream – R.I.P Mr. Jobs – a Tribute to Iconic and Charismatic Technology Leader of Our Times!!!

Today evening around 5.00 pm PST when apple announced the death of its legendary and iconic leader Steve Jobs on it’s website, it sent shock waves across the technology world.

The entire social network universe right from Google+, facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, etc. were overwhelmed with unexpected load of traffic.

When we heard the news, it was unbelievable and took a while to digest it. Quickly we went into Google+ and started to see a huge flood of condolence messages from our circles. Personally i haven’t seen this much reaction to anyone before.

Please follow and read Steve Jobs Google+ stream  on Google+ (Tributes to Mr. Jobs).

Steve Jobs was undoubtedly one of the greatest visionary of our times. We didn’t get a chance to live in an era of Thomas Alva Edison, but Mr. Jobs, you were the Edison of our times. On his return, he transformed a nearly bankrupt company to one of the best and most richest company in the world (He proved most of the theories wrong and transformed Apple a technology company more valuable in market capital than even Exxon Mobil the oil an essential commodity company).

His passion towards technology, his perfection in design, his dedication in executing to perfection made him the best and only the best in the world. He again and again proved his philosophy of deliver quality & value and consumers won’t mind paying a premium for it. You can’t find any product on this planet that people line up over night to get their hands on it.

His announcement of leaving apple as CEO few weeks back sent shockwaves across the technology industry and yesterday’s Apple event and the launch of iPhone 4S lost it’s usual charm without the charismatic leader.

Apple’s tribute to their fallen leader ( home page replaced with Steve Jobs picture) homepage replaced with tribute to Steve Jobs homepage replaced with tribute to Steve Jobs

Google’s tribute to Steve Jobs

Google's home page with Steve Jobs tribute

Google's home page with Steve Jobs tribute

According to apple website, If you would like to share your thoughts, memories and condolences in the interim, you can simply email [email protected]

On behalf of our readers, our deepest sympathy and condolences to Steve Jobs family, friends and the employees of Apple.

Steve Jobs, R.I.P (Rest In Peace)- The world will definitely miss you but you’ll never be forgotten. Every time some one listens music on any music gadget, talks on any smartphone or browse the web on any Tablet, they’ll remember you. Your soul, spirit and legacy will live forever. We’re iSad.


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  1. Paul Weller

    Remembering Steve,
    This morning I cried for a man I had never met but who has been an intrinsic part of my life for well over thirty years. In fact ever since I set-up in business, all those years ago Steve’s charisma, enthusiasm both at his keynote events, coupled with the companies cutting edge products has meant my loyalty to Apple has been repaid many fold.

    And today all these years later, once again I thank both Steve and Apple …for since my partner too has become seriously ill and is awaiting a lung and heart transplant – her life line has become her iPod for music, her iPhone for texting family and friends …and of course her iPad too – in our household we loved and admired Steve Jobs !!

    Our condolences go out to his family, friends …and to all the people like us who built our businesses around his visionary products – each of us has a tiny piece of him in our pocket, at home or in the office. And one other thing, we so, so hope that ‘his Apple legacy’ will continue in the way he would wish for many, many years to come.
    Paul Weller, Senior PartnerTGI International, Watery Lane Studios, England

  2. C Ta Rom




    am quite aware of the extent to which millions of people across the world are attached
    to Apple’s “i-gadget” family (almost like an adaptor,
    connector, or charger), and can therefore sense the depths of their shock
    and sense of disconnect at the tragic passing of the “i-guru”
    Steven Paul Jobs. In fact, many of them received the news of Steve’s
    death on one of his own inventions, which made their grief all the more
    poignant. Although I am an unrepentant and incorrigible “i-illiterate,”
    I found myself inescapably drawn to Steve, back in the late 1980s, when I saw
    the first Mac of my life at a DTP bureau in a city in southern India. Mac’s GUI,
    mouse, feather-touch keyboard (“Life is
    smoother since we can touch instead of push”], and several other snazzy
    features struck me like some strange magic, and I can recall times when Mac was
    the apple of the computer world’s eye, and its SA (Sex Appeal) and
    price-tag were so high that snobs would carry a Mac just to make a fashion statement.
    But, in my case, more than the machine itself, its maker mesmerized me, and Steve breaking
    conventions impressed me more than Steve making inventions.  Steve’s traumatic
    early childhood experiences, particularly his unwed parents putting him up for
    adoption; his dropping out of college; his garage start-up; his conversion to
    Zen Buddhism (and consequent head-shaving); his counterculture
    experiments; his dismissal from his own Apple Inc.; his
    counter-challenge to cancer (the rebel’s
    own cells rebelled against him, and in the beginning, he shunned mainstream
    medicine) — there was nothing about him, in style as well as substance, that
    was not sensational.  In my view, Steve was more an iConoclast than an iCon, and I loved seeing him
    defying tradition more than defining tastes & trends. To me, Steve was
    essentially a person of transterrestrial brilliance and a proto-specimen of a technological civilization to come.
          What “NeXT”?
    Maybe some insanely ingenious nerds will keep Steve-the-Geek’s inventive legacy
    alive, and present the world with i-peds,
    i-pids, i-puds, and other game-changing gizmos
    to carry users’ sensory experiences still deeper. But, I personally look
    forward to the advent of a “pan-creative” Steve-like genius who can present a
    cure for pancreatic and other pernicious cancers. Also, I anxiously
    anticipate the emergence a Pixar that can physically reanimate the likes of
    Steve Jobs!


    is now time to wish “RIP” to Steve, but I refrain from doing so, because I know
    Steve is not the type to ever “rest in peace.” Indeed, he will already be
    trying to i-connect to his successors from his pad in “outer cyberspace,” and he
    will stay logged in to the memory systems of his countless fans and will continue
    to inspire them as long as history lasts.


    Live hungrily, foolishly – and dangerously,


    * It may be worth noting here that “Job” is the protagonist of an Old
    Testament parable of the righteous sufferer. Steven means “crown, garland and honour” in
    Greek, and St. Stephen is revered as the first
    martyr of the Christian Church.

    * Just like Randy Pausch delivering his famous “Last Lecture” at Carnegie
    Mellon, Steve Jobs presented an immortal Graduation Commencement Address at Stanford University in 2005. Some of the lines of
    this Address bear reproduction here: “… don’t waste it (your time)
    living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with
    the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions
    drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow
    your heart and intuition.”

    c_ta_rom, India.


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