9 Quick Google+ Tips and Tricks

Do you use Google+ everyday? These 9 quick tips or tricks will help you to do more in less time…

9 Quick Google+ tips and tricks

  • While you are in google+ stream (google+ page), press J key to read next post (or move down)
  • Press K key to read previous post (or move up)
  • Clicking on the Google+ bar will scroll to the top of the stream irrespective of wherever you are reading
  • Drag and drop any picture, link or video into Google+ share box
  • Click on the drop down icon on the top right of a post to get the link for that post
  • Don’t like  a post, click on the drop down on the right of  a post and choose Mute this post, It’ll disappear from your stream
  • Don’t understand the language or want translation of a post? Install the google+ translate plugin and it’ll translate to the language of your choice
  • Interested in a topic and want to read posts as it arrives? Search for that keyword and save the search and it’ll appear in the middle left of your stream as a link, you can click on that link to read at anytime
  • Don’t want to upload media from your mobile? Turn off Instant Upload in Google+ mobile

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