How to Gain Business Success From Google+ in 2015?

Yuri Samoilov Photo via Compfight cc

Yuri Samoilov Photo via Compfight cc

It may not be as popular as Facebook and Twitter, but Google+ has gained traction, especially with businesses who want to expand their networks and create a strong reputation online. Based on an infographic shared by Digital Information World, the platform is third on the list of top social mediums used by top brands with 70 percent last year. It is expected to grow this year, despite many arguing that the platform is having less footing on the social market, as Facebook expands its reach worldwide. However, its application alone shows a strong grip as the latest study presented by Android Police showed that the Google+ Android app received 1 billion downloads in December 2014.

Since its initial launch in 2011, where the page was only available by ‘invitation-only,’ many have been watching the platform’s ability to connect people, especially businesses to other businesses and to consumers. In this post, we want to provide you ways on how to fully maximize this platform to achieve greater heights this year.

Build your business page
The initial step is creating your Google+ business page with your registered company name, official logo as photos, and interesting content to share. It will be advisable to introduce your new online profile via your website or other social pages upon its launch. Here are other tips you can do:
• Get a customized URL ( to make it easier for potential and current clients to search you.
• Use professional images as it shows your dedication to your work. Apply it on your cover photo, page banner, and your profile picture.
• Optimize your page for indexing. Complete all information on the About page and make sure you have a compelling, clear, concise (with keywords) tagline as it shows up in the search results.
• Personalize when discussing with people and posting content online. No one wants to connect with faceless, robotic profiles. Show your personality in each post.

Continue maximizing the mobile app
As mobile technology becomes a common platform for business solution, it would be advantageous for you to consider your smartphone and, particularly, tablet when running your social campaign this year. Since Google+ comes with its own app, you can check your profiles wherever you go whether via Wi-Fi or data connection. It’s highly advisable to search for the top Android tablets, as these devices come with built-in Google services such as Google+, Google Hangout, YouTube, Gmail and more. Although it is also available to other operating system such as iOS and Windows, you will need to install it one by one unlike in Android tablets. Here’s a checklist to help you:
• Manage other third-party apps that will use the platform’s APIs.
• Use Hangout for video conferencing even when away from the office.

Expand your network
Social media has become the main business platform for most startups as its cost-efficient and allows one to connect to a wide scope of consumers and other companies. Listed below are ways on how you can use Google+ to expand your network and reach:
• Always leave hashtags to make each conversation searchable. Limit it to three hashtags to avoid looking spammer.
• Join communities and discussions related to your business. Share your thoughts about topics, even on Hangout but never sell them your product.

Extra tips to live by
Apart from the top tricks we’ve presented above, here are other tips you can apply to ensure your Google+ business campaign will run successfully this year. Note: You may know these items before, but never take it all for granted as these will still be business’ key to triumph in 2015.
1. Be findable – There’s no better way to expand your reach other than making your profile easily searchable on the page. To do this, make sure to add a badge of your business and personal pages on your official company website. This will make it easier for them to follow you.
2. Make video and pictures to be shared online – With its ability to engage people and keep their interest, visual content is highly favored even on online marketing perspective. It’s best to convert your images into a video presentation via Awesome Auto feature. This can also be done via the app version. It’s best to integrate your account with YouTube, so that any comment posted on Google+ about the video, will also reflect on YouTube.
3. Take advantage of Google Helpouts – A new way to generate leads online is via Helpout, a service that offers people with quick assistance via video. Set yourself as an expert by providing advice to people, which can later on build your credibility online. The videos can either be free or with charge depending on the price you provided. In return, people can place reviews and your page will be indexed on the search engine.

Overall, Google+ will raise the bar on social marketing this year. With its close ties to the search giant Google, you can reach a bigger audience when maximized strategically. What do you love most about Google+ services for business?

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