What’s Hot Topic or Trending (Most Popular Content) on Google+?

After joining Google+,  you added friends, family, followed some google+ celebrities and also added some shared circles (a collection of profiles based on some interests).

Now content(s) shared by people you follow starts flowing in your stream. Some may be interesting and some may be not. At some point you may want to go just beyond the inner circle.

During that time, you may be wondering – What others are talking about? What’s the hot topic of the day? What’s trending today?

Don’t worry, Google+ got you covered. Goto https://plus.google.com/hot and it’ll immediately start displaying the most popular content on Google+

You could also see What’s hot by clicking What’s hot link (refer image) on the left side of your Google+ stream page

What's hot link on Google+

What's hot link on Google+

Want to weigh in, how it got shared and trended? Click on the drop down and choose View Ripples (Google+ ripples is an interesting way to visually analyze the post of how it’s being shared/re-shared).

What’s hot topics, trending or popular content are picked by computer algorithms taking into consideration the following (but not limited to)

  • Posts that are shared public
  • Total number of +1’s
  • Total number of shares the post has received
  • Total number of comments
  • Trust worthiness of the author
  • Ordered by time (recent first)
This is one quick way of finding and following interesting people on Google+.

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