Manage a Google+ Page Made Easy With the Release of a New Button Today!
Let’s say you created a Google+ page through your personal Google+ account. One of the problems or complaints we often hear about is how to get to the page and manage it.
Managing a page is built in, but unfortunately for quite a lot of people it was hard to figure it out or it was deeply buried in. We earlier also covered through a post about how to manage, edit or delete a google+ page but that didn’t help.
There is good news for those you find it hard. Today Google+ team has released a new button called Manage this page.
The way this works is really simple. If you go to a Google+ page that you created/managing, it’ll automatically slide in a blue button on the top of the page (refer image above) inside a dark grey background panel. Once you click on the Manage this page button, you’ll be automatically switched from your personal profile to that Google+ page.
All the posts, sharing, photos or videos that now you share are from this Google+ page. The Google+ bar or the new Google+ menu on the top will immediately reflect the switch from your personal profile to the Google+ page profile (+Yourname to +PageName).
Managing a page can’t get easier than this, enjoy!!
Makes me happy
Good, but took Google an eternity to add.
Good, but… Still only one admin for page? This is nice, but multi admin support is much more useful – and it is still missing, as far as I know.