Google Releases Politics & Elections Site and Official Google+ Page for U.S. / Egypt 2012 Elections!

Google to everyone’s surprise released a dedicated site called Politics and Elections. They also created a official Google+ page specifically for politics and elections besides many other tools.

This site can be reached through, it is basically a customized version of Google news with many additional features. (This page is only accessible through http, if you try with https you might get an 404 error page)

Google politics elections Toolkit

Google politics elections Toolkit

Besides above site, you can also find a verified and a official Google Politics & Elections Google+ page. Google has even formed a dedicated team to bring up to date information to your finger tips.

If you are on Google+ all you have to do is, add the politics and elections page to your circle (for e.g to a politics circle) and get up to date information about the election in your Google+ main stream.

Google politics and elections Google+ page

Google politics and elections Google+ page

Here is the what Google has to say about this page,

Welcome to the Google Politics & Elections page, the source for news and notes from our Politics & Elections team. Our goal is to bring people closer to politics by making relevant information and resources easier to find and interact with. Our primary focus is the U.S. election process, but we’ll also cover global topics and encourage interaction around the world.

This page will focus on impartial data and digital trends surrounding the political process. We are non-partisan and don’t support or endorse any political candidates.

If you would have read one of our US president Barack Obama on Google+ or Mitt Romney’s virtual town hall style meeting earlier posts, we have highlighted that Google+ has got all the free campaign tools (circles, hangouts, direct connect, photos, videos, discussions, pages and mobile tools) for running a election or political campaign.

What Google has done now by creating this site is, giving even a bigger picture of all the google tools that are available for a election campaign [majority which are free (for eg. Google+, YouTube, Apps, Maps, etc)  and some paid (for e.g Adwords).

Under they even have grouped the tools according to various roles one is playing in a campaign namely,

  • Media Consultant
  • Journalist
  • Developer
  • Campaign Manager
  • IT or New Media Manager
Select the drop down for a specific role you are interested and page immediately updates with all the tools available for you.

The election site also highlights the following

  • A politics youtube channel available at
  • A 2012 political calendar with events at
  • A trends dashboard at

As of this writing, politics and elections site also supports Egypt 2012 election (3rd set of parliamentary elections in egypt is due this month)

Overall this site provides great source of information for candidates by highlighting tools that could benefit during the campaign as well as tools for voters to make better informed decisions.

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