Reorder and Customize Google+ Navigation Ribbon or Icons
After the major google+ redesign they have made it easy for us to navigate among various features by switching from earlier tabs based interface to the much familiar navigation ribbon / icons interface.
The first thing you notice immediately after you login into you google+ account is the navigation ribbon / icons on the left. By default you’ll find Home, Hangouts, Pages, Explore, Profile, Circles, Photos, More and Games icons.
But not everyone is same and everyone’s usage and expectation is different. For eg. we might use Home, Hangouts, Photos and Games a lot over other features and like these to appear first.
This quick tip is about how to reorder them so that you can customize according to your own needs.
Google+ team has thought about this and made it really simple. Just drag and drop the icons where you want to appear right after Home icon (Home is fixed and cannot be moved). Here we have moved photos and games just next to hangouts in the order our google+ usage. Hope this helps.
Thanks for this great tip