How to Disable Instant Upload in Android App?

Instant upload allows to quickly sync your precious moments (photos or videos) with your google+ account.  These objects are stored securely and privately on the cloud and visible only to you (unless you share later).

However not a lot of people are aware of this and freakout once they find recently taken pictures and videos available under instant upload section on google+ photos. They are just uploaded but never shared with your circles or public. You can verify this by viewing your profile as some one else or by logging out and searching for yourself. Here is how to view your profile as public or others?

This is a step by step guide (with screenshots) for google+ android app users for those who don’t want to use this feature. Disabling can be done in two ways: while installing the google+ app or via settings after installing the app.

How to disable while installing the android app?

Use these instructions if you are installing the G+ app for the first time

How to disable through app settings (after installing)?

Use these instructions if you have already installed the G+ app

Many of you requested for this step by step guide and hope this helps to quickly turn this feature off on your android devices. Please share your thoughts through comments.

NOTE: The UI and controls in the screenshots might slightly differ based on android versions and ROM’s installed on your phone but the functionality stays the same.

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