How to Transfer Circles From One Account to Another?

Since the launch of Google+ pages we were asked from a large number of our readers about How would i transfer my google+ account and circles from one account to another?

The reason was most of the users who created google+ pages for their businesses / sites created a new google account or profile (due to the fact that it was not possible to have multiple admin’s for a page).

Later when the G+ team released the multiple admin and ownership feature in pages, page owners asked the reverse; How would i take the relationship (i.e circles, followers) that i built in a page to another google+ profile?

Fortunately G+ team took note of this pressing requirement and was working on it. That tool now called as Google+ circles transfer tool is ready and immediately available as part of Google+ takeout.

Transfer google+ circles from one account to another account

Transfer google+ circles and connections to another account

What happens before transfer?

  • Once transfer requested using takeout, there is a 7 day waiting period before the transfer begins
  • You could cancel the transfer during this period (after 7 days you can’t cancel the transfer)
  • Once used this tool cannot be used for another 6 months (for the same accounts)

What happens during transfer?

  • Google+ account operates with limited functionality
  • Source/destination accounts cannot share content
  • Add or delete people from circles is not allowed
  • You can’t block or ignore people

What happens after transfer?

  • Circles or connections are copied to your destination google+ account
  • Blocks and ignore are copied
  • Duplicate circle names are merged
  • Profile, posts or comments won’t be transferred
  • If source profile is used for authorship (i.e linking your website to your google+ profile) it won’t be updated
  • Your circles will see the destination profile (you could still see your source profile)
  • When you are comfortable you could delete your source profile using the downgrade page

Detailed explanation can be found on the help page. We are convinced that this Google+ circles transfer tool would help a lot of folks to eliminate some duplicate accounts and just focus on building and promoting a single profile or page.

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