Google+ Has 110 Million+ Unique Visitors in June 2012 According to comScore

Google+ is a ghost town, yeah right??? If critics were not convinced by G+ official statistics during the I/O 2012 developer conference here is another statistics by comScore that confirms the official statistics.

According to the official statistics released earlier, G+ had over 250 million+ total users and over 125 million+ users sign in everyday. Now +Morten Myrstad has shared some important google+ traffic metrics sourced from comScore on his G+ post.

Here is what he says on his G+ post

Google numbers confirmed

In pure numbers, Google+ according to comScore grew from 66,7 million visitors worldwide last November to 110,7 million visitors in June. This is a growth of 66%. With 110,7 million unique visitors during a month, from desktops only, the comScore data also seem to confirm Google’s own published data: 250 million accounts, 150 million monthly users and 75 million daily users worldwide. According to the comScore data, 25% of the Google+ worldwide visitors in June came from the U.S., up from 22,8% in November last year.

One key point to note here is comScore only measures desktop data. Google during their recent statistics mentioned that more people use G+ on their mobile devices along with their desktops. This is a clear indication that the actual number could be even higher.

People love G+ and enjoy its unique socializing features. Recent customer satisfaction index report proves that. That’s all matters for now.


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