World’s First Google+ Ping Pong Hangout – Play With Your Circles Around the World!
Are you a big fan of the game ping-pong (aka table tennis game)? Then we have good news for you. Play your favorite game in realtime via google+ hangout with your friends and circles around the world.
This is not just another ordinary game, this is the real game! (When you play the game you’ll know what we mean). This wonderful ping-pong game on hangout takes the gaming to a whole new level with facial recognition, body movements and demonstrates the power of hangout api for developers.
To play the game, just head to http://www.creativesandbox.com/pingpong and click on the Play the Game button.
When you hit the Play button, the usual google+ hangout window launches with an all new ping-pong game. In just 4 simple steps: instructions about how to play, selecting a padding, selecting the agent you represent you’ll be ready to face any opponent. (Quick tip: Don’t forget to invite at least a friend or a circle, else you may have to sit and wait forever looking at Wait for opponent.
This game strives to offer the best real-time experience by controlling the app with your body movements and while allowing to use other hangout features like docs, screen share, white board, sketch, etc., (to give a great experience like being at the office and playing with your team).
This game is a handy work by a team of 22 engineers with 15000 lines of coding and has completed over 87 internal ping-pong matches.
Enjoy the game and share your thoughts in comments section.
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