How to Geo Tag or Add Location to Your Google+ Photos or Albums?

Google+ team just rolled out a new feature that allows to geo tag or add geographical location information to your Google+ photos and albums.

It is turned off by default and you could always enable by individual photo/album at a time or always turn on for your newly uploading photos through your Google+ settings (details below).

How to add Geo Location to photos or albums?

How to Add Geo Location Data to your photos or albums?

How to Add Geo Location Data to your photos or albums?

  • Navigate to photos by clicking on the photos icon in the navigation ribbon
  • Goto any photos or albums and view in lightbox view
  • Click on a photo and expand the Photo details section on the right (refer image)
  • Click on the Add location link to add geo tag information
  • Also notice another link Show location data. Use this link to show/hide geo location information or use below Google+ setting to control globally.

Google+ setting to show / hide geo location information in your newly uploaded photos and albums

Google+ setting to show / hide geo location information

Google+ setting to show / hide geo location information

Just check or un-check Show photo geo location information in newly uploaded albums and photos.

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