Google Chromebooks Rank #1 in Amazon Best Sellers Under Notebooks Category

Google Chromebooks are now ranking No.1 and No.2 position respectively in sales under Amazon’s Best selling notebooks category.

Besides best seller, Chromebooks are now a leading under Hot New Releases, Top Rated, Most Wished For and Gift Ideas categories (refer highlighted sections in the image below).

Chromebook Ranking #1 under Amazon Best Sellers under Notebook Category [Images:]


Amazon best sellers list is available live here.

According to a recent report by forbes, Chromebooks now enjoy a 21% of Notebooks market share and 10% of all Computers and Tablets market share in 2013, Wow!  A remarkable achievement in short span of time.

For under $200 dollars, Chromebooks have proven to delivery a great value. A one stop solution to help get your day-to-day tasks done without worrying about Virus, Malware, Security, Installing software, etc.. Google delivers chrome updates regularly & transparently and your chromebooks are always up to date and safe from emerging threats. No user action is required.

In fact, Google challenges security experts to find vulnerabilities in its chrome software and rewards up-to $10,000 and more for serious bugs and vulnerabilities.

In today’s digital world, we use multiple devices. Installing, Configuring, Protecting multiple softwares across each of these devices may not be practical. One simple solution would be to use cloud or web-based tools / softwares that are accessible through browsers. Most of the online softwares today rival desktop software in functionality, easy of use, free or best price, online/offline access, etc., All we need is a secure and powerful browser to enjoy these online services.

Below I’ve listed a small set of online tools, most of them free just to give an idea of what is possible through chromebooks.

Chromebook Software & Online Tools

Browser: Google Chrome (included in Chromebooks)

Search Engine: Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.. via browser

Email: Gmail (Available as Online and Offline),, Yahoo Mail, etc.

Productivity: Google Docs (Document, Spreadsheets, Charts, Presentation Slides, Diagrams, Forms)

Social Network: Google+, Facebook, Twitter, etc., All available online via browser

Communication: Hangouts, Facebook Message, etc., provide online instant communication

Storage: Google Drive, Drop Box, etc., Online via browser

Photos/Videos: Google+ supports online, private and secure storage for your photos and videos

Photo Editing: Google+ provides powerful online photo editing tools to get simple tasks done with click of a button

Remote Desktop: Free remote desktop extension to access any windows machines remotely using chrome browser (If you already have windows machine, still you’ll be able to control through chromebooks)

Of-course there are use cases where we need powerful full-fledged laptops / machines for using resource hungry graphics editing tools, software development, etc.. But for majority of the users this doesn’t matter.

Do you own a Google Chromebook? What do you think? Share your thoughts and feedback through Google+ Comments below.

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