Top 5 News, Television Networks and Media Now on Google+ Pages

It’s been just a couple of days since the launch of Google+ pages but it is quickly becoming one of the hottest feature on Google+ (just trailing behind other popular feature Google+ hangouts).

Besides regular google+ users like us, television, media, news networks and media personnel are flocking to the google+ pages. Hundreds of pages are already created.

Here is a quick list of some of the 5 top popular news, media and television networks that have created Google+ pages

+Anderson Cooper 360

Anderson Cooper 360° is a multi-Emmy award winning program that goes beyond the headlines with original reporting, provocative interviews and breaking news. Accountability is at the core of the program with its Keeping Them Honest franchise as its hallmark. AC360° also features Crime & Punishment and Raw Politics segments nightly. For a twist on the news, there’s The RidicuList, The Shot and the Beat 360° contests. Join the conversation about the issues that matter most on our G+ page, Twitter, Facebook and the AC360° blog. Tune in weeknights at 8 and 10 p.m. ET on CNN.

+Bloomberg News

This page is your official spot to connect with the editors of Bloomberg News. Add us to your circles to receive the latest news and multimedia from our staff of more than 2,300 news professionals around the world.

+Good Morning America

 We bring you the morning’s big news, expert analysis, helpful advice, delicious recipes from the best chefs in the country and some of the best musical guests on television.

Good morning america had a google+ hangout with it’s viewers right after creating their Google+ page. 100’s of people were willing to participate but unfortunately due to hangouts limitation only a maximum of 10 including the hangout hoster will be able to participate in any Google+ hangout. But that also brought an interesting point during the hangout; with more than 6 or 10 people in a hangout (or any meeting) it’s hard to conduct within an allowed timeframe effectively. This hangout is a good example of how google+ hangout is tilting the fundamentals of how viewers interact with their favorite networks in real time. Is this the future of television? The recorded video of the hangout is available here.


Reuters brings you the latest news from around the world, covering breaking news in business, politics, entertainment, and technology.

+BBC News

This is BBC News – the home of up-to-the-minute, accurate, impartial and independent news, features and analysis from across the UK and around the world.

Descriptions of these networks are as they appear on their Google+ page profile. These are just 5 besides many other television shows, networks and media have created google+ pages on google+. We’ve limited to 5 to just keep the post short. You can easily find out any of your favorite network or show using Google+ direct connect (just type + followed by your show or network name on google search).

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