Wish You All a Happy and Prosperous New Year 2013!

Google+ launched last year and made remarkable achievements in terms of features and growth in year 2012. Hope you enjoyed our previous post Google+ moments 2012 video that sums up some of the 2012 memorable moments  happened on the network.

The video (by Google+ team) ended by promising “This is just the beginning…” which means more and more exciting features we can expect in Year 2013.

Happy New Year 2013

Wish you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year 2013! (Courtesy: Google+ mobile)

It’s time of the year again and we take this opportunity to Wish all our readers, the Google+ team and all the Google+ users a Happy and Prosperous New Year 2013.

Here is a Google+ New Year 2013 search stream that automatically updates as new year related g+ posts arrive (Click on the Play button if it pauses due to inactivity on your screen)

Share your new year wishes by clicking on Mood icon on Google+ mobile app and selecting  new year 2013 graphic (refer gallery below)

Let the year 2013 be filled with fun, joy and happiness!

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