Google+ Photos Gets Emotional : Now Add Emotions to Your Pictures With Click of a Button!

Google+ team today rolled out an interesting and unique new feature that allows to Add Emotions or emotional icons (aka emotipics / emoticons) to your Google+ photos.

Google+ emotion in photos

emotional icons in google+ photos

Add Emotion icons to your Google+ photos (Courtesy: Google+)

How to add emotions to your pictures?

  • Goto Google+
  • Click on Photos on the left navigation ribbon
  • Click on an album and pick a picture or directly select any picture (this will open your photo in lightbox view)
  • Look for an emotion icon on the top (refer image) and click on it (hovering shows Add Emotion)
  • Google+ photos immediately will add emotion icons to your picture (and auto saves it)

How to remove emotion icons from Google+ photos?

  • Goto a picture that has emotional icon added to it
  • Click on the emotion icon again on the top (to remove emotional icons. when you hover over the emotion icon it’ll show Remove Emotion)
  • Lightbox view will immediately remove the emotional icons and auto save it

Enjoy and share your thoughts!

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