Google+ Sms Commands List to Post by Sms / Texting With Examples

Google+ supports posting by sms right from the beginning to support millions of devices that don’t have internet connectivity and only have phone and texting capabilities.

This feature may also be helpful while you are far away where you don’t have access to 3G, 4G or WiFi connections available for your smartphones to use google+ iphone or the android app. SMS should work from almost all places where you have a telecom carrier signal. Here is the list of google+ sms numbers for 43 countries around the world.

Post to google+ via sms (enable settings)

Enable post by sms on google+ account settings

First thing you have to do to post by sms or texting is add a mobile telephone number to your google+ account and check the Allow posting by SMS checkbox under settings (refer image above).

Once you’ve enabled allow posting by SMS there are few commands you have to learn to post, +1, reply, comment, etc via sms. We’ll cover all these google+ sms commands with examples below.

To submit a post to google+ by SMS

This is a sample post sent to google+ by sms and send it to 33669 in the US (or follow sms numbers for your country)

By default this post will be shared with Your Circles (not all of your circles) since we haven’t mentioned any circles or individuals.

To share a post with a particular circle

This is a sample post sent to google+ by sms +circlename

To share a post with public (public posts via sms)

This is a sample post sent to google+ by sms +public

To share a post with extended circles

This is a sample post sent to google+ by sms +extended

To share a post with a individual

This is a sample post sent to google+ via sms [email protected] (replace [email protected] with the persons email address)

To mention a person in a post and share with a circle

This is a sample post sent to google+ via sms [email protected] +circlename (here [email protected] is mentioned and shared with +circlename)

Note: circle names, public, extended or email address can be added anywhere in the message. We’ve added it the end just for consistency.

+1 and commenting posts via SMS

When you subscribed for receiving sms updates via phone (refer image above), you could +1 and comment on posts received by SMS

To +1 a post received via SMS, just reply with +1

To comment on a post received via SMS, just reply with your comment

Other commands

reply start to start receive sms updates

reply stop to stop receiving sms updates

reply help to get help message

Hope this guide helps you to master posting to google+ via SMS or texting.

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