Google+ Tops All Social Networks in Customer Satisfaction for 2012!
Critics say Google+ (also known as G+) is a ghost town. But the reality and latest statistics say a totally different story. All recent statistics state that G+ network is a leading contender in the social arena and not an underdog anymore.
According to the latest report released yesterday by ACSI (American customer satisfaction index), G+ skyrockets to the #1 spot in customer satisfaction (done by a independent organization) with a whopping score of 78 unseating majority of the previous leaders in social media category including facebook, twitter, linkedin, pinterest, myspace, etc.,
Note: G+ is just one year old and therefore no data available for the year 2010 and 2011.
Customer satisfaction index table for 2010 – 2012 (Source: ACSI)
We think it’s time to end the ghost town talk (by critics) and get serious about G+. All these statistics tell a simple story: People love G+ and that’s all it matters.
Makes me laugh when i hear about Ghost town!